Friday 6 April 2007

Diary Of a Wannabe WAHM- Deb

My journey as I decide whether to become a WAHM.

Craft Alley- Ali

Mt world as I know it - Genie

This site is about me, my family and my nappy stash

Totally Addicted to you- Kris

Nappies, woolies and precious things

My Sons- My Journey- Carla

My blog will be a place where my family and friends can share my journey and my family life :) A place where I can relax and be me :)

Adventures of an obsessed knitter and mad mum of 3._ Madmumof3 (Donna)

Adventures of an obsessed knitter and mad mum of 3- Madmumof3 (Donna)

Just a little about me, my life and my obsessions with knitting and nappies!

Mel in a nutshell - RockMel

Confessions Of an Addict
my journey with cloth nappies!

My Crazy Cloth World -Tina (huntersmum)

My crazy cloth world
A blog about my cloth nappying journeys

Thursday 5 April 2007

How do I add "works in Progress" to my blog

How to do "works in progress bar that will show how your work is coming along

This is the code for adding the elements

I have had trouble adding the code to blogger without it converting it for me

in the meantime go to Nappycino and ths post and I have posted the instructions:


Friday 16 March 2007

Cherub's Kiss- Lesley

Cherub's Kiss
A blog to keep up to date with the Cherubs nappies and sewing goings on.

Thursday 15 March 2007

Starashan- Sherrin (Shen)

The highs and lows of WAHMLand and beyond...

Confessions of a Serial Crafter-Kim

Confessions of a Serial Crafter
Ramblings about various things, mostly my knitting projects and other bits and pieces related to my family.

Pint's Palette- Megsie

pint's palette
previews of my latest creations from design to the finished product...along with a bit of rambling and pics of my own pixies

The Bears Den

The highs and lows of a WAHM of 3 kids, with the added extra of an autistic son!

a day in the life of_April

Nappies and woolies Galore-Snoozie (susan)

Tuesday 6 February 2007

How to add pictures

how to add a picture

  1. on the "toolbar" (which the series of icons that appear at the top of the box that you type in when you do a new post)
  2. you will see an icon that looks like a scene(blue sky and moutains) in between the spell check and the rectangular eraser.
  3. click on this
  4. it will bring up a separate box in which you can choose several options
  5. add a new image from computer (in which it allows you to search for that image and add)
  6. or
  7. add image from the web(which allows you to add an image that is already uploaded on the web-like photobucket etc)
  8. to load an image from your computer- click "browse" and then search for the image you'd like to upload-the smaller the easier to upload I recommend about 400-500 pixels for faster up loading using broadband- smaller if on dial up, you dont need large than this for most things I find
  9. you also need to select the layout, I always use "none" as this will allow you to move the image aroudn your text(above and below and you can edit the position still), whereas the other choices will always remain at the top
  10. then select your image"size"- I use small on my blog for multiple images and medium for single images as I dont want to over power my whole blog with one image, people can click on these when they are published anyhow to get the bigger picture.
  11. then once you are done hit "up load image"
  12. it will give you a "loading" bar- just be patient, you can go and write your message while the image loads to fill in waiting time (I do my images first- text second)
To add a image via the web, if it is your own image then upload to a hosting site (your own or sites like photobucket)
then follow the direction above from #9 down

please ensure that if you are using an image (or text) that is not your own, to seek permission from the original person, it's not good practice to "borrow" images from others without it

If all this sounds confusing and you'd like to read more, go to the Blogger help on posting pictures

Thursday 1 February 2007

Little Bubba- Kira

Join Date: January 31, 2007 The birth and life of my Little Bubba Ned. Short and sweet...

Wednesday 31 January 2007

Dyelicious -Kelly(jades mum)

Dyelicious Join Date: January 31, 2007 Hand Dyed Yarns

Stash Flash-Becboo

Stash Flash -Becboo